Spring Market at High Point Furniture Market is weeks away, follow my musings
Please Follow Along With Me
During Spring Market at High Point on April 16-18
High Point Market has transformed over the years to be one of the most important trade shows to attend--we meet and greet design industry talents and stay on top of trends and new sources. This April, I was invited by Esteem Media to be part of a group called Design Bloggers Tour. Along with these 9 other designers and design bloggers, I will travel throughout Market. I promise to report back here on the blog about my findings. I hope you will follow along as we make our way through Market, seeing new products, meeting with showrooms and hopefully having a wonderful time doing it. Please see our sponsors and the lovely bloggers I am traveling with as well.
During Spring Market at High Point on April 16-18
Bernhardt~Arete collection
French Heritage~John-Richard
Global Views~EJ Victor
photos my own from Markets I have covered in past years
Follow my musings at #DesignBloggersTour #hpmk
and #DesignWithoutDiscrimination
My motto for this Market remains,
Lead with a kind and giving heart!
Happy Nesting
XO Tamara
Brand sponsors participating in the tour include:
Ambella Home, www.ambellahome.com
Bernhardt Furniture, www.bernhardt.com
Crypton Home, www.cryptonhome.com
Hillsdale Furniture, www.hillsdalefurniture.com
Huntington House, www.huntingtonhouse.com
Hurtado, www.hurtado.eu/en
Norwalk Furniture, www.norwalkfurniture.com
Nourison, www.nourison.com
Rowe, www.rowefurniture.com
Sauder, www.sauder.com
Theodore Alexander, www.theodorealexander.com
Universal Furniture, www.universalfurniture.com
Vanguard, www.vanguardfurniture.com
Vaughan-Bassett Furniture Company, www.vaughan-bassett.com